About Us
Our Story
AJOJE means “to share together.” And it pays homage to the nature of Chin Chin snacks.
Chin Chin is one of the ways to welcome new people into our community. It signifies celebration, sharing, unity. Everybody has a CHIN CHIN story. Whether it was your college roommate who gave you your first bite, or you tasted it first at your first West African party. CHIN CHIN snacks always emit a sense of sharing! Our goal is to bring premium and tastiest authentic, West African snacks to dinner tables, catered celebrations and gift baskets worldwide.
Abi is a Nigerian born and raised, wanted to expose her children to the food and culture that shaped her life. Now, she wishes to share with you. Celebrate your discovery and share Chin Chin with others with others.
Why Ajoje Snacks?
No more Jaw breaking Chin Chin
Everybody loves Chin Chin, but finding the right one with the perfect blend of sweetness, Spice, and Crunch can be tricky. Ajoje Chin Chin is handmade with simple ingredients and in small batches to give you the best Chin Chin you have ever tried.